This is an amazing book i bought yesterday from virgin ... el 7ilo fil book ena emqasam five aqsam oo kil section talks abt qarat mo3yna .. for example awal part 3an (europe and the middle east) ( madre shno el 7ekma ena 7a6enhom weya ba3th) el mohim its easy to read coz eb 6araf kil page katben el city oo kil qism 9ayir eb color mo3ayan .. ba3dain mo bas katben 3an el cities el ma3rofa laa katben 3an dowal e9'3era oo yemkin mo el kil sami3 feha ... shay thani 3ajbne ena kil city katben 3anha eb one page bas oo 7a6en 9ora oo bil 6araf mal el page katben el places ele you should visit oo when u should visit oo stuff that u should not miss (yenfa3 7ag ele may7bon yegron waied :p)
hatha el book min da5il oo awal picture kanat el cover page :p oo el book se3ra waied 7ilo 4.5 kd although maktob min da5il ena its eb 25 pound oo when i asked el lady why chan etgol ena madre coz VIP oo madre shno 9ar ar5a9 !! ma fahmt el 9ara7a !!
oo chethy shakil el ketab min da5il oo hathi na'6arti :p oo el page ele feha my na'6ara katben 3an Toronto eb Canada ...
oo at the end abi agool ena ako book thani mo 3an el must visit cities laa 3an el must visit ISLANDS :):) hathaak 3ad 9ijj eshwaiggggg bas ana shrait el cities 7saita mofed akthar :)
oo thats it :)