Wednesday, December 31, 2008

501 Must Visit Cities

This is an amazing book i bought yesterday from virgin ... el 7ilo fil book ena emqasam five aqsam oo kil section talks abt qarat mo3yna .. for example awal part 3an (europe and the middle east) ( madre shno el 7ekma ena 7a6enhom weya ba3th) el mohim its easy to read coz eb 6araf kil page katben el city oo kil qism 9ayir eb color mo3ayan .. ba3dain mo bas katben 3an el cities el ma3rofa laa katben 3an dowal e9'3era oo yemkin mo el kil sami3 feha ... shay thani 3ajbne ena kil city katben 3anha eb one page bas oo 7a6en 9ora oo bil 6araf mal el page katben el places ele you should visit oo when u should visit oo stuff that u should not miss (yenfa3 7ag ele may7bon yegron waied :p)

hatha el book min da5il oo awal picture kanat el cover page :p oo el book se3ra waied 7ilo 4.5 kd although maktob min da5il ena its eb 25 pound oo when i asked el lady why chan etgol ena madre coz VIP oo madre shno 9ar ar5a9 !! ma fahmt el 9ara7a !!

oo chethy shakil el ketab min da5il oo hathi na'6arti :p oo el page ele feha my na'6ara katben 3an Toronto eb Canada ...

oo at the end abi agool ena ako book thani mo 3an el must visit cities laa 3an el must visit ISLANDS :):) hathaak 3ad 9ijj eshwaiggggg bas ana shrait el cities 7saita mofed akthar :)

oo thats it :)

Sunday, December 28, 2008

laish ?!

laish fe kuwaityen ye7tflon bil new year ?!?!! el reason ele 5alani aktib abt this ohwa eni en3zamt 3ala newyear party next wed i dont think ena im going bas hal 3azema 5altne afkir laish e7na ne7tfil ? ya3ni adre ena its fun oo yam3at banat oo ppl minzeman mo chayfenhom oo nalbis oo party oo foood oo all that bas laish ne7tfil bil new year ?? laish mo some other day ??ya3ni laih hal darja mako sh'3il oo thegat 5ilg ! wela shno ! yom kint ana yahil ma athkir kena ne7tfil eb ay shay '3air el birthdays .. al7een gomna nen3zim 3ala kil shay ! ya3ni ele abi o9lah ena etha ana yom kint yahil a7tfil eb my birthday al7en ana kobart thinking ena 3adi i celebrate my birthday .. fa now el kids ele ga3den echofon el nas te7tfil bil new year oo christmas oo even halloween ra7 ykbron 3ala hal shay oo e9er shay mohim bil nesba lihom !! ya3ni madre ana hathi my point

gabil cham sena ma kan chethy tafkeri kint 3adi ya3ni i dont mind going to parties oo chethy .. a9lan ri7t new year party oo athkir eb 2000 swait party eb baitna lol bas ana 76ait balonat oo e7tfalt ebro7i (how sad is that) el mohim this year a7is ena ana diff i dont mind having a party with my cuznat chethy just for 3aba6 oo e5bal oo i know ena we dont mean ena newyear or wat ever oo kelna ekbar mako kids .. bas ena aro7 party madre a7isha '3ala6 :p or yemkin kil hatha coz i dont have something to wear !! :p

Friday, December 19, 2008


i took this picture on the way to soug sharg eb
22-11-2008 :)

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Rainbow bas eb mokan '3areeeb !!

loooool ana kint ray7a a9lee wela achof alwan t7at el qanfaa ethahir min el dresha 9ar small rainbow 3ad shawgneeee chan ayeb el camera oo a76ha bil floor oo achkchikk hehehe :p

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

ما فيش حاجة حلوة <<< read it bil ma9ri

eeee wallaa loooooool e6raraaat a5ir zemaaan 7emdela weshkirrr !!!

el salfa oo ma feha el yom we wnet to prime and toast (P&T) yummm yummmm lazim etor7ola .. el mohim mokanhom 9ayir yam burger hub oo slider station oo ehnaak el parking moz3ijj makooo mwaqiff kilshhhh :/

el mohimm e7na mayteen yoo3 oo 7altna 7alla 3ad wa7da min el banat galat endish el parking ele mal el 7aras el wa6ne :p tawna bendishh eyena el 7aris egol mamnoo3 :/ chan egol etha tabon ogfo bil exit mal el parking so we did ..

oo dshaina el ma63am kalinaa yummm hush browens oo french toast oo blueberry pancakes oo baith ma3a bu9al oo shay green :D yummm yummmm oo we took pictures oo wanasa wala ..

anyways aftre ma def3na oo re7na to our car rekbnaa oo tawa refjte eb tamshi wela hal ma9ri wagif near my dresha oo e5izzz chena yabi egol shay ...

chan i open el dresha chan egoli " ma fesh 7aja 7elwa'' ana awl shay ma fahmt

chan agola'' shno''

chan egoli '' 7aga 7elwa'' chan a9ik el dresha oo en9damt shakooo ya3nii !!!!

3ad refjtai galaw 3a6eeh oo madre shnoo soo 6ala3t robo3 awal shay bas galaw laa shno robi3 :/ give him dinar !!! wala ma yestahilll 6arar oo yetshra6

9ij nesait i add this picture .. its the only one ele i can post el baje i cant :p hehe madre eshfeha ele tesht'3il em3a9baa :p

Monday, December 1, 2008

smiley moon

waaaaaay 7addaaa amazingggggg !!!! :'(

i was on my way home oo cheftaa mashalla 3ajeeeeeb ! eshlon chethy el stars chenhom e3yon oo el moon el 7alj !!! shaaay may9er waied !! !!

7awlt a9wraa bil shari3 bas ma gedart .. ne6rat el bait oo 9awrta .. madre a7is el quality malat el 9ora mo waied zaina :S coz waied swait zooom :/

madre bas enshala cheftoh in real life coz waid waied a7la bil 9ij :) oo 7ag ele ma chafa enshal my pic etkon good :D

a7la pic 9awrtha so far eb my new mobile :p

good night :)