madre mino ele 3adaniii :(
anyways ana gabil la aro7 el dr ako stuff i do bil bait waied it helps ...
in the morning :
- i eat 3asal one spoon
- then i do '3ar'3ara ( it includes : lemon - hot water - salt - boiled za3tar bari ) mix them together oo ta'3r'3raw fehom waied ra7 et7soon bil farg :)
- i drink something hot (chay oo 7aleb or coffee) oo asweli tosta really crispy oo em7ameshaa :p u can add to it 3asal or za3tar oo zait
- at the end a5thli 2 panadol el 3adi mo el extra :)
after '3ada :
- after eating ur '3ada do the same '3ar'3raaa waied 3ajeba :)
- ana i dont drink panadol bas if u want u can have !
- eee take e7bob ma9 ele 3ala orange :)
- oo drink 3a9er orange bas ekon dafi mo barid :) or u can drink it el 9ib7 !
- try to eat shay dafi like ni5i or bajela or tosta 7ara oo crispyy
- eat 3asal one spoon
- do el '3ar'3ara again
- eat 7bob ma9
- oo panadol
- yebaw jidir or ay shay big oo 7i6aw da5la boiling water oo vicks oo ta7lfaw eb kambal oo ta'36aw weya el jidir ele feh el water oo try to testnshqoon el bo5aaar mal el waaay waaiedd zaiin oo efich el 5ashimm :p
oo bas ba3dain jablaw el tv lain edo5on oo go to sleeep ! oo etha ma 6ebtaw u can go to the dr :)