i was talking bil phone weya refjte oo ga3da etgol ena her room feha ants !! oo i was talking to her oo moving eb my room welaa faja'aa @@ achooooofaaa ! :(
SPIDER !! ga3da tamshii eb my roooom !!
hathi el spider :
ana a5aaaf minhoom oo 3indi weyahom sotories waied !! :/
oo 9ij waied a5af .. ele a5af leman adosha ye6la3 hatha el 9oot !! chraaaaaaaak
soo ana 3indi 6areqaa thanya to kill feha ! :p
6ab3an awal shay you need el shampoo
ba3dain chan a7i6 shampoo 3aliha bas some how en7ashaat !! ://
then gomt oo 76ait el shampoo around el spider 3ashan ma tegdar te6la3 oo 7akrtha then chan agooom oo a'3rgha bil shampoo laaaaaaaaaaaain mataaaat !!
i hate spiders !
LOL creative! but mo 7aram? madre just step on it or something hehe
cruel little creature you are.
try to talk to it instead and save the shampoo :P
ewwwww wai3 your room wa95aa:/
etkhaf min el3afreet y6la3lik
looool feeh nas ye76on detol yeqolon maf3ola qwe
bel nesba le ast5dem flet bs etha kent wo enty bkarama labs n3ale 6aaaa5!!
chan 5elete yaqre9ech yomken et9eren spiderwomen ;P
shwaish : hmm wala yemkin 7aram coz ga3da a3thbha ! bas ma7ib adosha :/ i hate el sound ele ye6la3 :p
X: hehehe shasweee et5ari3333 :p
mjkout : i did talk to it kela agolohom eshyabbkoom ahneee :@
anonymous : eeee madre min wain ga3den eyooonle hal spidraat :S
eshda3wa: 9ajjaa :) bas 9ijj e5r3oooooooon :/ weya el legs malotohom :S
3bady: detoooool << 9aaaa7 5oosh fekra 3ala el aqal i save el shampoo :p ana ma 3indi flet :/ oo waai3 ma7ib adooos 7asharat :/
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