Sunday, December 28, 2008

laish ?!

laish fe kuwaityen ye7tflon bil new year ?!?!! el reason ele 5alani aktib abt this ohwa eni en3zamt 3ala newyear party next wed i dont think ena im going bas hal 3azema 5altne afkir laish e7na ne7tfil ? ya3ni adre ena its fun oo yam3at banat oo ppl minzeman mo chayfenhom oo nalbis oo party oo foood oo all that bas laish ne7tfil bil new year ?? laish mo some other day ??ya3ni laih hal darja mako sh'3il oo thegat 5ilg ! wela shno ! yom kint ana yahil ma athkir kena ne7tfil eb ay shay '3air el birthdays .. al7een gomna nen3zim 3ala kil shay ! ya3ni ele abi o9lah ena etha ana yom kint yahil a7tfil eb my birthday al7en ana kobart thinking ena 3adi i celebrate my birthday .. fa now el kids ele ga3den echofon el nas te7tfil bil new year oo christmas oo even halloween ra7 ykbron 3ala hal shay oo e9er shay mohim bil nesba lihom !! ya3ni madre ana hathi my point

gabil cham sena ma kan chethy tafkeri kint 3adi ya3ni i dont mind going to parties oo chethy .. a9lan ri7t new year party oo athkir eb 2000 swait party eb baitna lol bas ana 76ait balonat oo e7tfalt ebro7i (how sad is that) el mohim this year a7is ena ana diff i dont mind having a party with my cuznat chethy just for 3aba6 oo e5bal oo i know ena we dont mean ena newyear or wat ever oo kelna ekbar mako kids .. bas ena aro7 party madre a7isha '3ala6 :p or yemkin kil hatha coz i dont have something to wear !! :p


Anonymous said...

ne7teeefeel bel new year cuz wada3na seena wa yayatna seena enshalla etkoon a7san!

na7meed rabeeena ena alla 3a6ana 3oomer ezyada wa bas mo akther :P

Anonymous said...

Calling all bloggers

Ra-1 said...

l celebrate because its my birthday :p

Anonymous said...

Ah! We are witnessing the birth of an extremist. They always start with topics like new year celebrations, too much mekeup, music is too loud, dont wish a merry christmass, etc.

Sometimes ends in a big explosion.

ZeroArk28 said...

anonymous: we Muslims can't participate with Christmas because it represent the birth of god/son of god, and that's shurk/partners with god, against our principles.

now, your the anti-Islamic one, for calling a woman who thinks this is wrong as extremist, she isn't saying.. "Tralalalalala kill all amerkaaaans death to ameeereekaaans! taralalalala" or whatever stereotypes you kufar has, excuse me none-Muslims have.

Anonymous said...

Complicated Girl

Al7amdellah w Alshukr


Ra-1 said...

To the two anonymous persons:
المعقدين أهمه إلي يقلدون بكل شي وبدون ما يسإلون نفسهم ليش؟
أو هذا صح ولا غلط؟
ولو كنتوا مقتنعين بكلامكم جان ما خفتوا وانخشيتوا :)

Anonymous said...

7araaaaaaaaaam ow tara etha e7tefalna eb ayshay ra7 kelna endish el naar, be wear of the infidels.

Anonymous said...

استغفر الله.. الكويت كل مالها وبالنازل
شنو يعني تحتفلون بكريسماس والا نيوييو
وين اياام أول.يازينها من أيام.. مو ألحين الكريسميس تري مرزووزة بكل مكان!!

مشكلة الكويتين والعرب عموما.. التقليد الأعمى.. خلوا عندكم شوية شخصيه.. أشوف الامريكان قلدونا بالقرقيعان والا قاموا ايوزعون فلوس وقت عيد الفطر!!

وااي بس تعبت.. ماكو فايدة من الكلاام.. كل واحد مخه براسه وكبير ويفهم انه اكو الله فوقنا .. ايحاسبنا
ليش انعور قلووبنا.. حسابهم مع ربهم

وبالنسبة لصاحبة البلوق.. يمكن لأنج كبرتي وتكنتي عن هالخرابيط!
او يمكن لأنج من بيئة محافظة ماعندها هالسوالف.. فحسيتي انه غلط اللي تسوينه

loco mafrooth n7med rubna everyday 3ala il ni3am illiy he gave us oo 3ala kil youm we are living , not only in new year!

DanDash said...

loco q8 : well i think el last anon said kil shay bas abi add one thing awal ma kena ne7tfil oo na7mid rabna kil sena :p eshm3ana hal esneeen ! : ok :p

Ra-1 : wanasaaa :D happy birthday :D hehehe

anon: oooolllaaaaa eshd3waaaa extremist mara wa7daa !!! :/ shakoo !! :@ oo ba3dain ana ma gilt 7ram oo 7alal oo madre shno im just saying ena mo min our traditions oo shako small kids 3abalhom ena hatha shay mohim we have to celebrate it kil year ! its not .. oo 9ij i should talk abt too much makeup hehe halaga < thanks 3al idea :p

Neoark : hehehe thanks :) 9aaj kil kalamik 3adil :)

anon: hmmm wala yemkin ana complicated madree bas at least ana a7i6 my name oo aktib ele abeh mo a7i6 anon o_0 > 3ajbne el face :p

ra-1 : 9ajja wala 9aja :p

Qaiss : hmmmm i hope ur not ga3id et6anaz :p

anon : i wish katib ur name 3ashan i can say kalmik kela 3adil :D thanks